Category: Edition 6 – March 2021

Letter from the Editor

Interview with Rachel Paling

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Welcome… edition 6 of the Neurolanguage Collective®.

Last December I was having one of my usual friendly/business chats with Rachel, with no formal agenda but just a productive, enlightening and above all, “brain friendly” chat. Rachel really knows how the element of novelty triggers the amygdala and attracts attention. Maybe it was not previously thought of, an impulse of the moment, but the phrase “George do you want to become the new editor for our magazine?” struck several chords ... Read More from the Editor

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Edition 6 Authors


The magazine brings interesting articles, news and updates to the Neurolanguage community - not only from Neurolanguage Coaches but also from people interested in learning, neuroscience, psychology, languages and other areas that interest us all. We really want to encourage all NL Coaches and subscribers to write articles on topics of your choice.

The magazine is free all!