Are you in a hurry to learn a new language? Then goal setting is for you.


Maybe you need to master the new language for an important business meeting or an upcoming trip, to improve your options for working abroad. or to read your favourite novel in the language it was first written in. Whatever your reason for learning a new language, I am sure you want to learn it fast.

You will have to learn new grammar, vocabulary, writing skills and practice speaking. Although nothing can replace your required effort, you can learn it faster and in a more focused way when you follow the right strategy and dedicate yourself to the process.

To achieve a successful NeuroLanguage Coaching® session there has to be an ongoing flow and structure achieved through five core parts or 5C’s which are:

1. Concrete ICF requirements
2. Clear targets and commitment
3. Coaching conversation
4. Connecting the brain and conquering barriers
5. Completion of goals

The 2nd C (Clear targets and commitment) is about setting goals for what you want to achieve. When you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. If you don’t set goals, how can you know what you want to achieve and measure whether you have achieved it? When faced with the idea of learning a new language, most of us feel overwhelmed. There are so many words to learn and so many different ways to study. Setting goals narrows your focus so you can stop worrying about the details and get down to business.

Language Coachees who set the right kind of goals are more likely to achieve success. In NeuroLanguage Coaching® we follow these guidelines to get the most from our Coachees languages goals:

1) Focus on specific goals. Set detailed Mechanical Goals (grammar) and Mastery Goals (use of the language) and actions to consolidate them. Focusing on what you plan to learn, how you plan to learn it and for how much time is also key. An example of a good goal might be “In this week’s session I am going to revise the structure and use of the irregular present simple in Spanish” (Mechanical Goal).

2) Set small goals. It is good to have an ultimate goal that you eventually hope to achieve (“Speak Spanish fluently”). But long-term goals are too demanding and unmotivating on an everyday basis. When you break down your ultimate goal into smaller bits and set smaller goals for each week or monthly sessions you feel more empowered and in control of your learning journey. You focus and advance in the right direction.

3) Challenge yourself (a bit). If goals are too overwhelming they can discourage you. A good way to get around this is to set goals with a real purpose for you. This would be a clear Mechanical Goal (use of the language) “This week I am going to learn the 40 most important Spanish words for me related to shopping.” A lower number in this range helps you feel the goal is achievable, while a higher number allows you to push yourself.

4) Writing your goals. After our first NeuroLanguage Coaching® Needs Analysis we have a clear picture of all the Language Coachee goals in writing. Putting all the goals down helps you commit to them.

Learning a language is beautiful and also rewarding when following the right goal techniques which we use in NeuroLanguage Coaching®.

We welcome you on board when you are ready for a powerful change in Language Learning.

Mònica Barnés