Connecting Students Together Around the Globe
In the year 1913, Thomas Edison wrote in the New York Dramatic Mirror that ‘books will soon be obsolete in the schools… It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture’ (Hamdan Bin Mohammad e-University, Dubai and Concordia University, Montreal, 2011:1). Educational pedagogy is changing. Its philosophy is not as it was…… *** Please Login To View ***
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The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.
The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.
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