Category: Neurolanguage Coaching

Never in my Life

I never expected to be speaking another language other than English, much less working in one. In fact, at the age of 40, I had pretty much … *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only €2.25 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe if you are not a Neurolanguage Coach

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Pragmatics and Education

Over many years, language has developed as a means for humans to express themselves. It is a way to save knowledge and pass it on from generation to generation. Primarily, humans use language as a way of communication, which means that it is inevitable that it affects and becomes affected by almost all the different aspects of any given … *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only €2.25 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe if you are not a Neurolanguage Coach

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Neurolanguage Coaching is not only for Language Learning

I first met Samay when he was nine years old. Sadly he had just failed an entrance exam to a private grammar school in England and his father had brought him to me for help with his maths as he wanted Samay to take the entrance exam again when … *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only €2.25 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe if you are not a Neurolanguage Coach

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My Mother Thought I had Joined a Cult

Language coach in Russia is a challenge …My mother thought I had got into a kind of sect, or at least a scam or a ‘pyramid investment scheme’.

Sadly, the word coach doesn’t … *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only €2.25 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe if you are not a Neurolanguage Coach

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Taking Coaching into the Classroom

Just like all the important events in my lifetime, I clearly remember when and where I was when I first heard of Neurolanguage Coaching. I was sitting in the garden of a windmill I was staying in just outside of Lisbon when something popped up on Facebook. Curious, I watched a recording of a webinar by Rachel, which…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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What a year it was last year

I started on a journey that will never stop. The desire for this journey was somewhere deep inside me but I didn’t expect that it would start in such a beautiful way, that I would dis-cover Neurolanguage Coaching on Facebook, that I would have such a positive experience with this method and that I would meet…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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Making mistakes – and learning from them – helps you learn better

This is what a Neurolanguage Coach could tell their coachees when hearing, “I’m afraid to make mistakes, so I don’t speak”; the familiar and crippling fear experienced by many foreign language students.

In fact, this is exactly what happened with my coachee Kate, a lower-intermediate French learner, who needed to…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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It’s A Great Time To Be A Coach!

My name is Vera Freitas, I am a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language from São Paulo, Brazil, with many years of experience in mainstream language schools; I am also a free-lance translator and a former Cambridge ESOL examiner. I have recently…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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Connecting Students Together Around the Globe

In the year 1913, Thomas Edison wrote in the New York Dramatic Mirror that ‘books will soon be obsolete in the schools… It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture’ (Hamdan Bin Mohammad e-University, Dubai and Concordia University, Montreal, 2011:1). Educational pedagogy is changing. Its philosophy is not as it was…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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A Journey Into the Brain

I have been working in the field of languages and teaching for over fifteen years. I started working as a private tutor with university students; a great deal of exposure to many different subjects taught in English, and a great experience in English for Special Purposes, ESP. Firstly, I started my teaching career development…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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Neurolanguage Coaching Certification

It was a sunny afternoon, the first warm weekend in Poland. I was sitting in my Brazilian chair and flicking through Instagram. Scrolling the page lazily I encountered an ad. “Transforming Teachers into Coaches.” An idea blinked in my mind and suddenly all my wishes, expectations and hopes for changing my professional career started…… *** Please Login To View ***

If you are a Neurolanguage Coach®, the magazine is free – please login to view this article.

If you are not a Neurolanguage Coach® and would like to read this article in full, please go to our sign up page and subscribe. We would be delighted to welcome you.

The magazine features articles and contributions from the Neurolanguage Coaching® Network worldwide and all contributions to the magazine are important, we want to share successes, stories, your celebrations and really shout loud about all of the amazing things that are happening in the Neurolanguage world.

The Neurolanguage Collective Magazine is only £1.99 per quarter for non-Neurolanguage Coaches. The magazine promotes the Neurolanguage Coaching Community but is open to all.

Click here to subscribe

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