We have been travelling for “9 issues” together and the journey becomes “issue by issue” more exciting and fun. We had around 30 different contributors from different fields, sharing ideas and lighting up new paths of knowledge for all of us. Not bad for one calendar year and 3 issues in total.

The new year finds us evolved, zestful and hungry for new knowledge. Besides, the human brain loves novelty, even though in the beginning it might react sceptically to it. So, in this new issue of January 2022, we learn first-hand about everyday life and work of the first Belarussian Neurolanguage Coach, Tatsiana Rybalkina, and find out how she chose to become an NLCoach. Sharyn Collins who interviewed her, made sure that we get all the answers.

Maria Glazunova is a teacher who suffered from burnout, recovered and now wants to share her experience with other teachers, so as to put a stop to this traumatic experience suffered by so many educators. Her article gives us a lot of insights on the topic of burnout. Clair Higgins, a highly experienced positive psychology practitioner, talks to us about “kinepsychology” with mind blowing ideas and findings that will explain many things about how we move and feel.

Thomas Feiner, always from the frontline of active “neurofeedback” will try to provide answers to the question “Can technology help us make better decisions?”  Marc Helgesen talks a lot about happiness and in his article he will explain, by using a lot of data from neuroscience and positive psychology, how energy breaks can help the flow of your lesson.

Rachel Paling and I together decided to have the most intriguing interview of the year by asking 4 male NL coaches about their “male perspective” on our profession and try to answer why male NL coaches are less in number than female. Finally, our great supporter and active part of the NLC community Tetyana Skrypkina analyses the complicated issue of dysgraphia and offers five original exercises to be practised in the classroom.