Letter from Sharyn Collins, Editor | 1 August 2020

Hello everyone.

As I write this message, I am greatly relieved to see that life is returning to some kind of normality. I would like to thank Rachel Paling for her “Touchbase” sessions, which were extremely welcome and raised my spirits on several occasions. In these very challenging times, just listening to like minds was so comforting.

I am also so very grateful to those amazing people who have taken the time from very busy lives to write articles for this summer edition. The magazine is growing in readership and I am very satisfied with the way it is developing into a real community magazine for all coaches. I never know what is going to arrive in my inbox and the range and variety of these articles always fascinate me. For example, this quarter, we have a serious article on Pragmatics and a lighter one entitled “My Mother thought I had joined a cult.” What is particularly pleasing is the fact that some coaches are finding a new skill in writing articles which they never knew they had and it is a great joy for me to help them grow in confidence as writers. Who knows where that new skill might lead them?  

I have so many ideas for the magazine but as a coach, I prefer to hear your ideas first so please contact me anytime and let’s work together to produce something great. I hope you all enjoy reading this edition  and please don’t forget, I need feedback to constantly improve, so please send comments and ideas to me: [email protected]

Best wishes to all from your editor Sharyn