Hi Everyone

Well, never did we imagine that we would be creating and sending out this edition in such a historical moment of time. As we are all being forced to stop, fear for our lives and our livelihoods, the one thing we can all do is really explore how we can come together, support each other and how we can transform this period into an opportunity to create the new way forward.

Over these next weeks may I encourage you all to connect on all different levels with each other – globally, regionally and locally – to assist, support and share space with each other on all different levels – professionally, personally and spiritually.

May I share with you all that I see this as a time of the “chrysalis” – the time where we can all slow down not only our lives but also our brains and our thoughts. It is the time where we can reboot the operating system with the vision that when we come through this time, we are ready to restart but from a totally transformed position.

How do we envisage the learning process of tomorrow?
How do we want the changes to be?
How can we as educators bring in a new way of knowledge transfer?

It is about moving away from the traditional top down and more into an inspiring, energising learning process, where the learner is the protagonist and the educator is the catalyst. Creating the autonomous learner, empowered by the coach to go beyond all imagined limits. And by using all the tools we know of: neuroscientific principles: coaching: emotional intelligence: practical intelligence: neurofeedback: cognitive psychology: educational psychology – all that we can to enhance the learning process.

Just before I sign off here, I am so grateful to Gary, Elsa and Sharyn for getting this edition together and also to all of you who have written your articles – great contributions, thank you.

My contribution to you all is a short article to assist the brain in these times.

Finally, please forgive my directiveness ? but please…

Stay safe, stay brain sharp and positive.

Warmest wishes