Hello Neurolanguage Coaches!!!!!

Welcome to the very first issue of our magazine “Neurolanguage Collective”. My name is Sharyn Collins. If you were at the Neurolanguage Conference in Portugal, I was the lady who spoke about the importance of Charisma in coaching and the evolution of the language. Some of you may also know me from my last job as editor of EFLmagazine.com. I trained as a Neurolanguage Coach with Rachel just this year in London and became totally hooked on coaching and Neuroscience.

The idea of this magazine is to promote our community, to share and to inspire. The concept for a magazine popped into my head one morning at the beginning of July this year and I was so excited that I had to contact Rachel immediately. She loved the idea and was as excited as I was to make this happen as quickly as possible and today my idea became a reality.

So, dear colleagues! To keep this magazine fresh, vibrant and relevant I will need your help. Could I ask all Neurolanguage Coaches all over the world to think about contributing an article to the magazine? It could be entitled “Where I teach”, or “A day in the life of a Neurolangauge Coach”, or it could be about an EFL topic which is dear to your heart. It doesn’t have to be perfect, that’s my job to help you, and it doesn’t have to be too long. I have written some guidelines which you will find at the end of the magazine. We are going to have a Gallery, so please send me your photos and there will be a section called “Letter to the editor” where you can comment on articles and give feedback or just surprise me with something I hadn’t even thought of, I like surprises.

I would like to thank those lovely people who responded to my call and have written something for this first issue. I am already impressed with the standard and content.

So please enjoy the magazine, pass it on and I’ll talk to you all again throughout October!

Best wishes
